Simone Beaudet

Winnipeg, MB (CAN)

Fusion HR Consultants

Location: Winnipeg
Industry: Staffing/Recruiting
Year Founded: 2008
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: Fusion HR Consultants are in the process of starting up a staffing placement business. We are two women who want to make a difference in the business world and to assist those seeking employment. As we both have been in the medical field for several years, we have found that acquiring well trained personnel for the medical offices is very difficult. We have also found that placement agencies in Winnipeg, Manitoba actually advertise that they will not place in medical offices. Our goal is to start up a company that will fill this void in Winnipeg as well as work for all who are seeking employment. We are seeking funding for the initial start up as well as capital to ensure that we can fulfill our goal of making this a viable business. There is much to be taken into consideration.

Fusion Consulting

Location: Winnipeg
Investor Type: INVALID
Accredited: Yes
Funding Types:
Investment Regions:
  • Canada