Dave Sanders

Roseville, CA (USA)

WorldBridge Partners

Location: Roseville
Range: $100k - $500k
Investor Type: Capital Broker
Accredited: Yes
Description: WorldBridge Partners has deep roots in the complexities of managing talent acquisition and understands that every company has unique needs. Our exclusive ClientCentricSM Search methodology delivers customized solutions for our clients, resulting in a true partnership with proven value. WorldBridge Partners has a history of extraordinary success. Using customized, creative, and comprehensive techniques, we deliver exceptional talent at every level. Whether you require a U.S. or International COO, CFO, Regional Manager or a 200 person sales team, our nine U.S. offices, 100+ recruiting staff, and global network are here to assist. WorldBridge Partners Delivers! Growing (URL removed)lding (URL removed)filling DreamsSM
Funding Types:
  • Equity Funding (VC, Angel, PE)
  • Software
  • Bio-Technology
  • Energy
Investment Regions:
  • United States
  • CA


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Location: Roseville
Description: WorldBridge Partners has deep roots in the complexities of managing talent acquisition and understands that every company has unique needs. Our exclusive ClientCentricSM Search methodology delivers customized solutions for our clients, resulting in a true partnership with proven value. WorldBridge Partners has a history of extraordinary success. Using customized, creative, and comprehensive techniques, we deliver exceptional talent at every level. Whether you require a U.S. or International COO, CFO, Regional Manager or a 200 person sales team, our nine U.S. offices, 100+ recruiting sta
Services Provided:
  • Capital Broker
  • Staffing