Corbin May

Salem, OR (USA)


Location: Salem
Industry: Healthcare
Year Founded: 2010
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: We provide security to medical teams deployed following natural disasters, all employees are sub-contractors. We make very little providing very much. Recently I started an advanced design dept. where I cad design possible equipment needed in the field. All wears are designed around the soldier and medical operator. I am seeking help to create a conceptual model(s)and marketing. Designs have been re-worked to final stage and are very detailed and show instruction layout. Secondary designs are for use in medical and humanitarian fields. All of which we have done our homework but could use some help to produce our products. I volunteered in Haiti following this last quake, I was there for five months. I have created the products to expedite services required during and following such disasters. Two products are intended for both military and civilian applications. Applications are but not limited to: Military, Police, Rescue, Medical, Humanitarian and other. Please contact me if you have questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Corbin May